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About DCIP


The functions of the Directorate of Industrial and Commercial property (DCIP) are Summarized as following:
1. Deposit the trademarks, industrial designs, and patents applications, and granting their Certificates, as well as certificates of ongoing modifications, and granting the right of Priority.
2. International registration of trademarks and patents through Madrid Convention /Protocol and the Patent cooperation treaty (PCT), and other conventions to which Syria is acceded.
3. The investigation of complaints concerning infringement, organizing the necessary legal papers and deposit these paper at General Prosecutor to deal with them and oversee the work of law enforcement elements at the Directorate and at the Directorates of Internal
Trade in the provinces, and the implementation of decisions and judicial proceedings concerning IP.
4. Consideration the objections to the deposits.
5. Following-up the litigation related to DCIP, and preparing the necessary defenses in coordination with concerned bodies.
6. Contribute to the study and preparation of draft laws and decrees relating to the protection of property, and working to accede to relevant international treaties and conventions.
7. The issuance of DCIP Gazette, pursuant to the provisions of Law No. / 8 / Date 12/3/2007.
8. Oversee the conduct and organize Fair for invention and innovation, and other exhibitions related to invention and innovation.
The Administrative structure of the Directorate in consisting of following Departments and Divisions:
1 - Department of Trade Marks (TM) and is composed of the following divisions:
- Division of National Registration.
- Division of renewal.
- Division of geographical indications.
- Division of scrutiny.
2 - Department of drawings and Industrial Designs is composed of the following divisions:
- Division of Industrial drawings.
- Division of Industrial Designs.
- Division of the substantive examination.
- Division of Registration and International Classification
3 - Legal Department is composed of the following divisions:
- Division of the Issues.
- Division of the studies.
- Division of Complaints and Investigation.
- Division of modifications.
4 - Patent Department is composed of the following divisions:
- Division of National Registration
- Division of International Registration
- Division of the examination of applications
For more about patent see: www.spo.gov.sy
5 - Department of International Treaties and Exhibitions is composed of the following divisions:
- Division of International Treaties and the media and translation
- Division of creativity and invention Support.
6 - Computer Division .
7 - Division of Front desk.
8 - Division of Archives and the Library.
9 - Division of the province.
10 - Division of the receipt the international applications and translation .
11 - Division of International Registration